急求"被某大学录取后怎么办"的英文文章 在线等

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 06:15:25

i'm a senior in high school and i've recently been accepted to university of st.Thomas and all the other colleges i've applied to. im still waiting from the u of m. so tell me if i have a good chance.by the way i am minority and first girl to graduate from high school and i'd be the first child to go to a 4 year college. i have a 3.0 GPA act 22 president of international relations club, leader of reduce the use and africa aware. participant of girl scouts, volunteer at the hospital while maintaining a part time job. took about 3 AP classes as well as a few honor classes and advanced classes. currently enrolled in Physiology and Anatomy which (college in the schools) and it's offered through the u of m. does any one think i have a chance of getting accepted because that's my first choice.

被某大学录取后,不就读会如何 被某大学录取后,不就读有什么处罚 如何查自己是否被某大学录取?? 江苏考生如果已经被某大学录取,可不可以选择复读, 是不是分数上某大学录取分数线的话就一定会被录取 我被某大学录取了.我不去读.我去复读一年.会不会被记入诚信档案,被几入诚信档案后会怎样 在网上查找自己是否被某大学录取怎么搞喔? 若高考成绩高于某大学进门线,但不够某专业线,被该校录取后校长能否有权力任意给你调专业呢?这是不违规的吧 如果我被某大学已经录取和提档,但是学费15000元,太贵,还能提问吗 我刚刚被某大学工业设计专业录取,需要的绘画基础指什么?需要看哪些书?